Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Latest News

Since about a month has past since my first posting not much has happened. The legal counsel for the other person, contacted me and offered to make a deal, but his client seems to think he invented the wheel. They slammed me with a 25 page motion, and thusly I fired back a 10 page motion.

It saddens me that two like minded individuals can't come to some beneficial agreement.

We have young brave men and women fighting for our freedom, some of them giving their lives for our very way of life. Each day we are honored with orders from soldiers around the world and in Iraq, we are honored to provide them with our services.

These brave men and women, teach me each day is a gift, and I am to utilize it to better myself, the nation and the people around me.

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Keith C
http://www.bottlemeamessage.com - Message in a Bottle

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